Saturday, October 29, 2005

Sify Tales... part 7

Ok guys, so just when you thought that the clog of Sify tales was over, its time for the grand finale! :-)) It so happned that after a lot of emailing and wasting of time, the gurus of swindling thought that they'd give me a free pack. A free pack! Wooo HOOOO! Am I lucky or what! LOL! But then you can hardly call 7 days of free surfing worthy compensation for a 20 day loss. Oh well. I guess I need to learn how to bargain, an art I unfortunately just don't possess.
Well... I used the 7 days to the best that I could. 7 days got over. And well the connection was still working. So I thought since I had read about the connection being enabled late, I had been given some extra days. I used it on that day as well. And then next day when I logged in, it showed my expiry date as NULL. Interesting piece of software they got there. I wonder how many people can understand what NULL means on your expiray date. Well to me it meant, this connection is yours forever! LOL.
Somehow, good things don't last that long and anyway I was getting sick and tired of the pathetically slow speeds they offer in comparison to Triband!!! I logged in and it showed that the account would expire on the 21st of November. Okay... so now something was fishy. It appears that SIFY likes to just disconnect and renew your account without asking you ever if you want to do that. Well I guess like the idiot I am I decided that I won't use cause these guys may come around asking for their dues. Actually I should have vasooled the opportunity but then, you know.. I think I'd get my work done quicker @256 kbps on Triband rather than @64kbps on SIFY...
Ok, cut to a couple of days ago. Local cable wala shows up asking for money. I must say that he was most uncerimonioulsy sent away. Cut to yesterday when I got a call from SIFY. Asked them, "How do you expect a customer to continue with a company that chooses when it shall disconnect and reconnect their connections. Was a pathetic experience."
I wouldn't say that I got fair compensation in the end. I mean you can hardly call 7 days free in lieu of 20 days perfect especially after having taken another internet connection. I should have really gotten one month's money back from them. But anyway, I guess its just a question of what's better:
"Something's better than nothing."
"If you're doing something then do it properly!"

Return of Airtel

This past week has been good. Projects finishing, holidays approaching. There has been one dampner on the situation though. That being, one Airtel sales rep sitting outside of my work place all day selling some wierdo scheme! And to think I thought that I was rid of those chors! Great and now someone I know has just decided to switch from Orange to Airtel. Ani't nothing sacred no more?!

Moving on to better things. I'm about to be off to Bahrain for a nice long Diwali vacation. Shubh Diwali to all of you reading this. May you have a fun filled and safe Diwali and new year!

The the past so many days hasn't been too interesting on the techie front. Either that or I'm just not following news hard enough. Has anyone heard more about the San Francisco WiFi project for which Google was offering to do for free?! Seems to be an interesting area where a new arena of price wars is going to spark off. I think companies like Verizon, Cingular, etc that operate cellular services in the US are getting a bit touchy about the whole affair! Now I wonder why??? :-))

"Wait and watch, There's a whole lot of things happening around you!"

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Chocolate is a neat movie. Slick and shot with cool camera angles. Will have to write about it sometime ... :-)
eBay bought Skype and that's old news.. the fact that they're going to integrate a lot of eBay services into it is well I guess newer but still stale news. Now, eBay giving free WiFi.. That's news I think! Perhaps I'm still behind the times, but it appears that the new mantra out there for advertisement funded online companies is to get a good VoIP client and then start giving free WiFi. Now I wonder what they're all up to?! :-)
Spymac has come up with this cool new interface for web based mail. Not too sure how it works on a slow connection, but its pretty cool. They've emulated an Outlook Express styled layout and you have the option of switching between the two. The only catch being that for the new layout u need to have IE6. So firefox fans... you'll have to hang on.
The interface as such sports a lot of cool features like the preview pane and address book on the side, so you don't need to remember names to get the autocomplete up. :-)) The whole interface sports right click menus to help you get easy access to whatever you want. Its like a full fledged online thick client. Check it out @
Well that's where this info post ends.... Am still trying to find something interesting happening, but the only thing I can find these days are crib posts about SIFY broadband! :-)) Its pretty cool though to read!
"When in Rome, do as the Romans say."