Saturday, April 09, 2005

Static HTML... give me a break!

Well I noticed this some time ago... just never got time to get around to it. Yes I'm back on the gmail bandwagon again. This time its about the static HTML view. Well... personally I'm neva gonna use it. I mean I just love the way the screen dynamically changes when you open a mail or go to another area of your gmail. I just hate having to see my screen flicker as the new page loads. Unfortunately I have to do that, to read certain emails on other email accounts that offer certain features, which unfortunately the big 'G' is still not offering... Pitty really... But then I just tell myself, patience.. patience!
Ok, but just to get off the rambling, the question I guess is, WHY do they need to provide something like this static HTML view. Well one thing that strikes me is that some people are just, plain stick-in-the-muds and hate change, so they probably kept cribbing for something like their good old mail clients. The other reason I think would have been to cater to the people in this world that are suffering from ultra 'javascript paranoia'. Pitty really that people could suffer from something like that! LOL.
But then that's how it goes folks. You gotta do what gets you the most customers!

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