Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Sify tales... part 6

So I’m a frustrated individual who likes to blog. What can say, except that one tends to get frustrated when you are trying to talk to a person about your problem and they keep avoiding you. Well I’m kind of going through something like that now.

5pm, I call up the SIFY guy. Tring tring… tring tring… tring tring… snap! The line goes off. Ok so the guy doesn’t want to talk to me. 5.30pm I call up the cable wala. I then get to hear this lovely story about how they have told everything to SIFY and that nothing is there in their hands now. How nice? As I said before in a post, that’s ‘business’!

Cut to the night, I’m like kind of bored and in the mood for some entertainment and I just noticed that my SIFY connection is not being restored here. So, I decide to call up the SIFY wala again. 2 rings and he’s on. I tell him my username and then he’s on about how I’ll get this done, can you call me back in 10min. I’m like, “Ok.”

13mins later (why am feeling superstitious now!), I call Mr SIFY again. He picks up and says that his call center people will be talking to me about it. (WHAAAAAAAT?!) So I ask him, when are they going to talk to me and he’s like, “They’ll call up in 5 mins”. Again I’m like ok. 5 mins later, no call, so I call up Mr SIFY again. Basically I’m just hitting redial by now. Now he’s like, “Oh, mein thoda nashta karne gaya. I’m in office only Sir, I’ll tell them to call you up.” Again I’m like, “Ok”. By now I’m sure the educated are wondering why am I going on saying, ‘OK’! LOL. Even I dunno why I’m being so patient about this.

I hit redial again after 15mins, because still no call center people are calling me. By now I’m like in a mood to really blast this guy. But then ‘lucky me’, he cuts the phone after like 5 or 6 tring trings! Typical! Guess that things aren’t going to get any better. I suppose that I’ll have to call him up now again! J Lets see what he’s go to say now. Probably it’ll be another 10 mins for the call center bungo brains to call up. I guess its getting boring to read this, but then I just keep asking myself, “Where is the professionalism here?!”

“Whatever happened to customer service? Oh, sorry could you please call our call center for your queries?”

1 comment:

Gishu said...

Realize the truth.. they will wag their tails as long as you keep your money tantalizingly close to their mouths. But when they have consumed your money, they will bite you in the ass!!